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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

CBG 2.13 | Wie viel Schokolade isst du jede Woche?

​In this episode of Coffee Break German we’ll be learning how to translate “much”, “many”, “some”, “few”, and lots more quantifying words – something learners often find difficult. By the end of this lesson you’ll be able to talk confidently in German using the words viel(e), wenig(e), etwas, manche, and say how much chocolate you eat, how many glasses of water you drink, or how many portions of fruit you have.

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  • video flashcards: listen to each lesson and see the words and phrases covered in the lesson displayed on the screen of your computer, phone or tablet (mp4 format);
  • bonus audio materials: use our review lessons to practise the language covered in the main lesson, and to pick up some useful bonus vocabulary (mp3 format);
  • comprehensive lesson notes: study the language of each lesson in greater detail and access additional information about German (pdf format).

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