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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

New Spanish video! El cambio de hora y el “jetlag”

Queridos amigos,

¡Tenemos un video nuevo para vosotros!

Watch the video and check out all the real Spanish vocab and phrases we’ve selected from it below. (This is real speed conversation, so don’t worry if it’s tricky if you are a beginner!)

In this video Marina and Ben discuss the effect of the changing of the clocks at the end of March and the arrival of the best weather of the year, which lasts from here until full-on summer arrives.

Useful real Spanish phrases in the video:

Hace un día estupendo – it’s a glorious day

Marina, ¿Qué me cuentas? – Marina, what’s new?

Acaba de llegar la primavera – Spring has just arrived

Escuchando los pajaritos – Listening to the little birds

Hay una cosa que nos ha costado bastante, ¿verdad? – One thing has been really hard for us, hasn’t it?

El cambio de hora – The changing of the clocks

Ahora ajustarte a levantarte a la hora, ¡ay que difícil! – Now to get used to getting up at the right time, wow it’s really difficult!

Ben me ha llamado, “¡vente que estoy fuera!” – Ben called to say “I’m out in the street, come and join me!”

Hay que disfrutar a tope de estos meses – You have to really enjoy these months as much as possible.

Questions related to the video

Feel free to answer in the comments below:

¿Qué tal lleváis el cambio de hora? – How has the clock change been for you?

¿Cuál es tu palabra favorita en el espanglish? –  What’s your favourite Spanglish word?

News on Ben’s book:

Ben’s book Notes on the Internet Dream (see previous post) is nearly ready! I’m waiting for a proof copy and if it all looks perfect (it should!) I’ll be able to send out the Amazon link for you to buy the book in the next few days! Thanks to everyone who helped with ideas last week!

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