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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Join us for some special announcements

Radio Lingua is 10 years old!

We’re celebrating this milestone with some special announcements! Join us on Thursday 3rd November at 8:00pm UK time (3:00pm Eastern) for a live broadcast in which we’ll be sharing some highlights of the past 10 years, and looking forward to the next ten! The broadcast will be on the Radio Lingua Facebook page. This event has been rescheduled from the original date of 18th October which unfortunately coincided with DNS problems on the site.

What’s your Coffee Break Story?

As part of the event, we’re planning to share some “Coffee Break” stories, and we’d love you to join in. All you need to do is record a 30-second video telling us your Coffee Break story. Tell us what you enjoy about Coffee Break languages, or about a situation you’ve experienced as a result of learning a language with Coffee Break. You could even tell us where you like listening to Coffee Break. Once you’ve recorded your video, you should send it to us either by email to, or send it to us on via our Facebook page. If you’re not sure how to do that, Mark has created a short video with instructions.

A couple of important things: firstly, please make sure your video is no longer than 30 seconds. Well, 32 or 33 seconds is fine, but anything above 40 is too long! Secondly, please film your video in landscape format – across the way, rather than “up and down” portrait mode. Please note that by sending us your video you are giving permission for us to include your video in our compilation of Coffee Break stories during the live event on 3rd November. Please also only include your first name when introducing yourself. We need to receive your video no later than 11:59pm UK time on 31st October 2016 in order for us to be able to include the video in the compilation.

Don’t miss our event!

If you’d like to be part of our biggest announcements for years, don’t miss our event on 3rd November! Join us at 8:00pm UK time live on Facebook.

Problems sending us your video?

If you’re having any probles sending your video from an iPhone or an Android device because the video is too large (over 20mb), then we have a solution. Simply search for the WeTransfer app in the App Store / Google Play Store and then send your recorded video through this app. Here’s a video which may help:

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