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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Your Super Spanish September! Special Sale On Now!

Hola Amigos,

Once again…

Ya toca la vuelta al cole – It’s time to go back to school!

That’s an expression you hear a lot on the streets now as the holidays come to an end and Spanish schools start up again this week here in Madrid.

The learning year always feels like it starts in September, and this is the best time to really get your Spanish learning going again.

To give you a big hand we’re holding one of our very special Super September “Learn Lots of Spanish” Sales. Right now, and only until Midnight September 9th, you can get 25% off ANY of our learning products with the coupon code: sept15

Just head to our store now, select the product you’d like, and use the special sept15 code to get the discount:

Notes in Spanish Store

This is going to be a great month for your Spanish!

Saludos desde Madrid,

Ben y Marina

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