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Monday, September 28, 2015

Episodio 149: Menos es más

Less is more in Spanish. Today we explain what is a 'lema', we will discuss about slogans and we will practice pronunciation. Transcript available: "Menos es más. ¿Alguna vez has escuchado esta expresión? ¿Quieres saber qué significa? ¿Quieres practicar la pronunciación del español? ¿Estás de acuerdo con su significado? ¿Sabes lo que es un lema? Vaya, parece que hoy tengo muchas preguntas. Solo quería empezar de una forma un poco distinta. Responderé a todas estas preguntas durante el episodio para que puedas mejorar tu comprensión y también conocer algunas frases muy conocidas por muchas personas en países donde se habla español ... "

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #11 - What’s the Adjective That Describes Your Personality the Best?

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn about Adjectives That Can Describe Your [...]

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Newbie Lesson #5 - Where is he from?

Learn Spanish with! Good work, you got through the explanations, now it is time for the comparisons. Join Alan and Lisy as they take you through the sibling verbs “ser” and “estar” both mean (to be). What’s the difference? We’re sure you have a good idea. But in case you don’t, we’ll take you [...]

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Episodio 148: ¡Olé!

In this episode we explain the meaning of the word olé, its origin and when to use it. You will learn some other words used in Spanish to express the same message. Transcript available: "Hola a todos. Bienvenidos a ¿Cómo lleváis el aprendizaje del español? Deseamos que poco a poco continuéis mejorando vuestro nivel con nuestros podcast. Recordad que el entusiasmo y la perseverancia son las llaves para lograr todo lo que os propongáis. Es por eso que hoy os dedicamos un ¡Ole, por vosotros! ... "

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Episodio 147: Coger el toro por los cuernos

In this episode you will learn the meaning of "take the bull by the horns" and you'll practice both conjugation and pronunciation. Transcript available: "Hola y bienvenido o bienvenida de nuevo a un episodio de Espero que vaya todo bien en tu vida y que poco a poco estés mejorando tu español. Recuerda lo que he dicho alguna vez, estudiar un idioma es un camino, un camino sin final. Lo importante en el aprendizaje de idiomas no es llegar al final, porque no existe ese final, lo importante es disfrutar del camino. Sea cual sea tu objetivo, allí donde quieres llegar con tu español, lo importante es que disfrutes de todas las cosas que haces para llegar hasta él. Esa es la forma auténtica de aprender un idioma y hacer que tu aprendizaje sea enriquecedor para ti, no solo en los conocimientos sino en muchos otros aspectos personales ... "

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #10 - Must-Know Autumn Vocabulary

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn Must-Know words and phrases for Autumn. [...]

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News #186 - You Got Us to 500 Million Lesson Downloads. We’d Like To Thank You

Two major things happened this month. First, you helped us reach 500 million lesson downloads. You downloaded the lessons, you learned a ton of Spanish. Second, there’s a new updated study tool waiting for you. It’s a must for mastering those new Spanish words and phrases that are so easy to forget. 500 Million Celebration! [...]

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Upgrading to iOS 9 for Podcasts users

In the past few days Apple has released a major update for iOS and there have been some reports of the Podcasts app crashing on first launch. Since we recommend the Apple Podcasts app as the best way to access both our free and premium podcasts, we would suggest that listeners hold off from updating their iPods, iPhones and iPads. We’ll keep an eye on the developments and reports on the Podcasts app in the coming days and weeks and will update this notice as soon as possible.

If you’ve already updated your iOS device and have experienced this problem, some users are suggesting the following procedure:

  1. Go to Settings > Podcast and turn off Cellular data and Custom colors.
  2. Double tap the home button and close all apps.
  3. Put your phone in Airplane Mode and make sure wifi is turned off.
  4. Turn off your device and turn it on again.
  5. When your device shows the lock screen, unlock it and open Podcasts app.
  6. Podcasts app should launch correctly.
  7. You can now leave Airplane Mode and refresh the podcast list and if you wish turn on Cellular data and Custom colors from Settings.

We hope that this helps.

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Episode 14 (Preview) – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In this latest episode of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4 we join María and Rory as they read the first of the love letters they’ve discovered in the attic. We’re immediately transported to 1949 when María’s grandparents were engaged and start to build a picture of what life was like at the time. The text contains a new style of language and, as usual, is rich in expressions and grammar points.

In the preview episode available here on the Radio Lingua site, on iTunes and on Soundcloud, you’ll be able to listen to Carmen and Mark’s introduction, to the core text of this episode, and to the summary in English of what happens in the text. For a full analysis of the text and in-depth discussion of the words and phrases contained in the episode, you can subscribe to our premium version. For further information, please see below.

Accessing the Premium Version

The premium version of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4 provides additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your advanced studies of Spanish. The premium version includes the following elements:

  • full-length audio episode: in each episode Mark and Carmen discuss the language covered in each text in depth, providing further examples and testing you on your understanding;
  • transcript: a full transcript of the entire episode including notes on complex language and grammar points;
  • bonus audio episode: test yourself on the key constructions included in the audio episode with this bonus audio translation exercise.

Learn more about Coffee Break Spanish Season 4
The members’ version can be accessed through our membership system. You can purchase a membership using the links below.

Subscribe links

Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed | Purchase members’ audio and transcripts | Members’ login

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Beginner Lesson S3 #13 – Using “Vos” in Spanish Imperatives: Don’t Ask Me Next Time!

Learn Spanish with! You finally arrive at Barrio Amon after running around all morning! You were so lost! Does your friend say he is happy to see you? Does he apologize for the wild-goose chase he sent you on? No. Your funny friend wants to know what took you so long! You are not [...]

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Episodio 146: Cuidar las plantas

Learn how to properly care for plants with these tips, some Spanish vocabulary about plants and improve your Spanish listening skills. Transcript available: "Hola de nuevo, ¿qué tal estáis? Hoy hablamos sobre un tema nuevo que os permitirá adquirir más vocabulario. En esta ocasión hablamos sobre plantas. Creo que hay pocas personas a las que no les gusta tener una planta en el exterior o en el interior de su casa. Este podcast se lo dedicamos a Irene que nos escucha desde Alemania. Irene es una oyente habitual de que en ocasiones nos enseña las fotos de su jardín. Si os gustan las plantas, lo que vamos a deciros ahora, os va a resultar familiar. Sin embargo, otras personas (entre las que nos incluimos nosotros mismos) no sabemos bien cómo cuidar una planta para que se desarrolle plenamente ... "

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Episodio 145: Un viaje a Francia

A trip to Bordeaux. Learn Spanish vocabulary about travel and tourism while we tell you our experience in this French city. Transcript available: "Hola a todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de, esperamos que nuestros episodios te estén ayudando a mejorar tu capacidad de comprender y hablar español, mejorando de forma progresiva, poco a poco, sin estrés y de forma fácil y esperamos que entretenida. Durante la última quincena del mes de agosto estuvimos haciendo un viaje por el suroeste de Francia, por la región de Aquitania y hemos creado un episodio para contároslo. En este episodio, podrás aprender vocabulario sobre viajes, algunas cosas sobre la región francesa de Aquitania, algunas recomendaciones para viajar por Francia y también hablaremos de algunas cosas que nos llaman la atención de este país ..."

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #9 - Top 10 Foods That Will Kill You Faster

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases about Food [...]

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Episodio 144: La vuelta al cole

Back to school! Thousands of students start the school year in September. Learn some vocabulary about school supplies and also how is the Spanish educational system. Transcript available: "Hola a todos de nuevo y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de En esta ocasión os vamos a hablar sobre algo que ocurre siempre en el mes de septiembre y que los niños esperan con una mezcla de tristeza e ilusión: la vuelta al cole. 'Cole' es una palabra informal para decir 'colegio'. El colegio es el edificio donde van los estudiantes más jóvenes a aprender. La frase correcta, sería “la vuelta al colegio”, pero en España todo el mundo dice 'la vuelta al cole' y así es como lo verás escrito en la publicidad y en los medios de comunicación ..."

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Regional Spanish Series - Costa Rican #1 - Hey, dude!

Learn Spanish with! ¡Pura Vida! What does that mean? You’ll see! Join us in welcoming our newest members to the team, Carlos and Natalia. With them, you’ll learn all about the Spanish language as it’s spoken in Costa Rica. This addition to the Regional Series adds depth and breadth to our expanding source of [...]

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Episodio 143: La empatía

In this episode we explain what is empathy, why it is important for you and an expression related to empathy frecuently used in Spanish. Transcript available: "...Hola y bienvenidos a todos a ¿Qué tal el verano? Nosotros hemos pasado unos fantásticos días de descanso en la playa, y hemos conocido nuevos lugares. Elegimos la región de Aquitania en Francia para visitar sus costas y la ciudad de Burdeos. Aunque disponíamos de poco tiempo, hemos aprovechado hasta el último minuto para pasear por la ciudad. Estamos muy contentos ..."

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Episode 13 (Preview) – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In episode 13 of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4, we hear the continuation of the conversation between María and Rory as they clean the attic ahead of Alejandro’s arrival and discover something which will play an important role in the story moving forward! As usual there are many examples of interesting grammar points and idiomatic expressions in this episode.

In the preview episode available here on the Radio Lingua site, on iTunes and on Soundcloud, you’ll be able to listen to Carmen and Mark’s introduction, to the core text of this episode, and to the summary in English of what happens in the text. For a full analysis of the text and in-depth discussion of the words and phrases contained in the episode, you can subscribe to our premium version. For further information, please see below.

Accessing the Premium Version

The premium version of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4 provides additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your advanced studies of Spanish. The premium version includes the following elements:

  • full-length audio episode: in each episode Mark and Carmen discuss the language covered in each text in depth, providing further examples and testing you on your understanding;
  • transcript: a full transcript of the entire episode including notes on complex language and grammar points;
  • bonus audio episode: test yourself on the key constructions included in the audio episode with this bonus audio translation exercise.

Learn more about Coffee Break Spanish Season 4
The members’ version can be accessed through our membership system. You can purchase a membership using the links below.

Subscribe links

Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed | Purchase members’ audio and transcripts | Members’ login

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News #185 - 3 Easy Ways to Double your Spanish Progress. One is a New Feature!

Looking for the latest and greatest methods to double your Spanish progress? Here’s one that’s been sitting under your nose! You can do it with every single SpanishPod101 lesson. And it’s been helping Spanish learners – whether they’re learning with us or not – speak faster, read faster and understand more Spanish words. Click here to [...]

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #8 - Vocabulary and Phrases for the Restaurant

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases for [...]

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Inner Circle #20 - August 2015: How Far You’ve Come & The Law of Increasing Motivation

Last time, you learned about the enemy of learning Spanish – analysis paralysis. You learned why it happens to most learners (especially perfectionists) and the five tactics you can use to beat it. This time, we’re talking about reviewing how far you’ve come and the law of increasing motivation. And, if you’ve been failing your [...]

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Beginner Lesson S2 #3 - But if I always buy from you!?

Learn Spanish with! See, in life, there is something called loyalty. Learn how loyalty is important when it comes to shopping. Just how important? Join Natalia and Carlos as they discuss how making friends with the people who you buy from can end up saving you a lot of money. Trust us, it does. [...]

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Episodio 142: Matar el gusanillo

'Matar el gusanillo' is an expression used in Spanish and it can have multiple meanings. We explain to you the two most important meanings in this podcast episode. Transcript available: "... Hola a todos y bienvenidos de nuevo a un episodio de Poco a poco nos vamos acercando al final del verano, de las vacaciones y del calor. Hoy vamos a hablar de una expresión que se utiliza de vez en cuando en España y que está relacionada con un estado físico del cuerpo. Se trata de una expresión por la que nos pregunta Chiara Lombardi desde la ciudad de Bolonia, en Italia. Estamos encantados de responder a tu pregunta y explicar esta expresión que podéis escuchar frecuentemente en muchas situaciones... "

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Your Super Spanish September! Special Sale On Now!

Hola Amigos,

Once again…

Ya toca la vuelta al cole – It’s time to go back to school!

That’s an expression you hear a lot on the streets now as the holidays come to an end and Spanish schools start up again this week here in Madrid.

The learning year always feels like it starts in September, and this is the best time to really get your Spanish learning going again.

To give you a big hand we’re holding one of our very special Super September “Learn Lots of Spanish” Sales. Right now, and only until Midnight September 9th, you can get 25% off ANY of our learning products with the coupon code: sept15

Just head to our store now, select the product you’d like, and use the special sept15 code to get the discount:

Notes in Spanish Store

This is going to be a great month for your Spanish!

Saludos desde Madrid,

Ben y Marina

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mexican Spanish Words of the Week with Alex for Intermediate Learners #12 - Currency Exchange

In this Intermediate lesson, you’ll learn Spanish words about Currency Exchange. Visit us at, where you will find Spanish lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Spanish with! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a [...]

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