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Monday, May 25, 2015

Coffee Break Italian Update

Ciao a tutti! Sono Mark di Coffee Break Italian. I’d like to apologise to all our faithful listeners for no lesson last week. In fact everything was planned to go ahead on Monday 18th. However, the whole Radio Lingua team was in Spain last week filming a new Spanish video series for children series, and we had very limited internet access. To complicate things we had some problems with the website, so the episode didn’t go out automatically as planned on Monday. We’ve been running upgrades on our server this weekend to solve these problems and it looks like these upgrades have solved the problems. We’ll post episode 14 tomorrow, on Monday 25th May.

It’s another great episode, with lots of interesting language, and you’ll enjoy using the grammar you picked up in lesson 13 in a different way, increasing your language skills all the time!

Thanks for your patience. Ci sentiamo presto!

(And here’s the mini lesson: literally ci sentiamo presto means “we hear each other soon”. It’s similar to ci vediamo presto which means “we see each other soon”. If you’re talking to someone on the phone for example and you’re likely to talk to them again before you see them, then say ci sentiamo presto. If you’re going to see someone soon, then you can use ci vediamo presto.)

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