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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #7 - Labor Day in the United States

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases about [...]

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Spanish Listening Comprehension for Beginners #11 - Asking about a Restaurant’s Opening Hours in Mexican Spanish

Learn Mexican Spanish with! Do you find yourself only understanding small parts of Mexican Spanish conversations? Would you like to understand more of what that person said in Mexican Spanish right away? Then this Mexican Spanish Listening Comprehension for Beginners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you’ll see an [...]

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Must-Know European Spanish Holiday Words #7 - Tomatina

In this Intermediate lesson, you’ll learn Spanish words about Tomatina. Visit us at, where you will find Spanish lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Spanish with! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Spanish question? [...]

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Spanish Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners #12 - Delivering a Sales Report in Mexican Spanish

 Learn Mexican Spanish with! Do you find yourself only understanding the key parts of Mexican Spanish conversations? Would you like to understand what’s happening around you in daily life in Mexico? Then this Mexican Spanish Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you’ll see an [...]

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #6 - Bugs and Insects

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases about [...]

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Introducing the Coffee Break French Season 4 Companion

We’re delighted to introduce the first in a series of ebooks and accompanying audio tracks which will help you build on what you’ve learned in Coffee Break French Season 4. We’re releasing the first of four ebooks for Season 4 today, and the other three ebooks will follow in the coming weeks and months, building to an in-depth, structured course covering many of the grammar points, interesting vocabulary and idiomatic expressions featured in Coffee Break French Season 4.

What’s included in each companion pack?

Coffee Break French Companion Season 4, Book 1 includes the following elements:

  • a 67-page ebook which provides a comprehensive summary of some of the key grammar points covered within lessons 1-10 of Season 4. In addition there are chapters on the vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used with plenty of examples to help you get to grips with all of the material;
  • 26 exercises to help you test your understanding of the points covered in each chapter;
  • 22 audio tracks, with one audio track for each chapter. Think of these as mini podcasts, each providing a summary of the main points of the chapter, with worked examples and our usual translation challenges to keep you on your toes. The total playing time of the audio tracks is 2 hours. We’ve even included a musical review of some of the key phrases to help you consolidate the language further.

How do I access the Coffee Break French Companion?

Like all our courses, simply purchase access to the materials and you’ll be able to download the pdf ebook and the audio tracks to your computer or mobile device. We’ve included a podcast feed of the whole pack so you can easily access and store the materials on your iPad or Android tablet for easy access on the go. For iPad users there’s a video here to help you access our materials using the Podcasts app on iOS.

How much does the ebook pack cost?

The introductory price of the Coffee Break French Companion Season 4 Book 1 is just £20.00. This price includes VAT for EU customers, and if you’re in an EU country where the VAT rate is slightly different then the exact price will be calculated on checkout. For US customers, the approximate price is $26.00 USD. Again, the exact cost will be calculated on signup.

Buy now to get instant access to all the associated materials and start your review of the language covered in Coffee Break French Season 4 now.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Episode 12 (Preview) – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In episode 12 of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4, we listen in on a conversation between Rory and María. Rory has been cleaning the attic in Consuelo’s hotel in preparation for Alejandro’s arrival and he’s not having much fun. María arrives to help. As usual there are many examples of interesting grammar points and idiomatic expressions in this episode.

In the preview episode available here on the Radio Lingua site, on iTunes and on Soundcloud, you’ll be able to listen to Carmen and Mark’s introduction, to the core text of this episode, and to the summary in English of what happens in the text. For a full analysis of the text and in-depth discussion of the words and phrases contained in the episode, you can subscribe to our premium version. For further information, please see below.

Accessing the Premium Version

The premium version of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4 provides additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your advanced studies of Spanish. The premium version includes the following elements:

  • full-length audio episode: in each episode Mark and Carmen discuss the language covered in each text in depth, providing further examples and testing you on your understanding;
  • transcript: a full transcript of the entire episode including notes on complex language and grammar points;
  • bonus audio episode: test yourself on the key constructions included in the audio episode with this bonus audio translation exercise.

Learn more about Coffee Break Spanish Season 4
The members’ version can be accessed through our membership system. You can purchase a membership using the links below.

Subscribe links

Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed | Purchase members’ audio and transcripts | Members’ login

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Absolute Beginner S3 #12 - Responding to Questions in Spanish, Part 1

Learn Spanish with! You hear an unusual accent behind you in the customs line to enter Mexico. When you turn around and ask the person in Spanish whether he’s from Ireland, he explains that he’s taking a weeklong vacation in Mexico. Or you think that’s what he said. You thought a brogue was hard [...]

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Episodio 141: La Armada Invencible

In this episode you can learn Spanish while you learn about history of Spain. The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships, it was sent to invade England. Native Spanish speech, transcript available: "Hola a todos y bienvenidos de nuevo a un episodio de ¿Cómo estáis? ¿Estáis aprovechando bien este verano? ¿Te has quedado sin vacaciones y tienes que trabajar? Sea cual sea tu situación, seguro que tienes un ratito para escuchar alguno de nuestros episodios y así mejorar tu español. Ya sabéis que de vez en cuando nos gusta hablar de historia. Hoy os vamos a hablar de uno de los hechos históricos más conocidos de nuestro país: la Armada Invencible. Después explicaremos por qué tiene este nombre ,,, "

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

News #184 - Your New Free Feature is Here: Get Daily Spanish Mini-Lessons with the Calendar

You wake up. It’s Sunday, August 16th. There’s a new free Spanish mini-lesson waiting for you. It’ll only take you 1 minute to review. There’ll be a new one tomorrow. And the day after. What kind of sorcery is this?! Click Here To Learn Spanish At 26% OFF & Get Your Free Audiobook! In today’s Sunday News, [...]

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Spanish Vocab Builder #5 - Too Cool For School? Top 15 Phrases for Bad Students!

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases about [...]

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Spanish Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners #11 - Buying Shirts in a Sale in Mexico

 Learn Mexican Spanish with! Do you find yourself only understanding the key parts of Mexican Spanish conversations? Would you like to understand what’s happening around you in daily life in Mexico? Then this Mexican Spanish Listening Comprehension for Intermediate Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you’ll see an [...]

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Regional Spanish Series - Costa Rican #30 - He who does it once, does it twice

Learn Spanish with! As if you hadn’t already had enough of Carlos and Natalia, here they are all up in your headphones again! Meet Laura, a woman who has just found out she has been cheated. What should she do? Learn some wisdom from Costa Rica as we learn the meaning of the saying, [...]

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Episodio 140: Receta de carne con tomate

Spanish recipe in Spanish :) Today we share with you a recipe of a typical Spanish meal: meat with tomato. Learn Spanish while you cook. Tasty learning time! Transcript available: "... En esta ocasión compartimos contigo una receta muy sencilla pero muy sabrosa que seguro que le gusta a muchas personas. La receta de hoy se trata de un plato de carne con tomate. Esta es una receta que se hace en muchos hogares españoles y que también podéis encontrar en muchos bares. En los bares podéis encontrar este plato como tapa, como plato principal, e incluso en algunos sitios como bocadillo ..."

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Episodio 139: El camino de Santiago

Spain is one of the world's most visited countries. Many people come from many places to visit our country, enjoy our food, our monuments and good weather. Many people also come to know St. James's Way, a very interesting experience for anyone. Transcript available: Hola a todos y bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de ¿Qué tal estáis? ¿Mejora vuestro español? ¿Os sirven nuestros episodios? Esperamos que sea así. Como sabéis, España es un país muy turístico. Muchas personas vienen de muchos lugares para visitar nuestro país, disfrutar de nuestra gastronomía, nuestros monumentos y el buen tiempo. El episodio de hoy es un episodio que teníamos pensado hacer desde hace tiempo pero por distintos motivos hemos retrasado su publicación. Hoy vamos a hablar del Camino de Santiago...

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #4 - 20 Words You’ll Need For The Beach!

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words and phrases for [...]

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News #183 - New Feature! Level Up Your Spanish and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning

Imagine this. You finish a Spanish assignment. Your teacher checks it. Approves it. And… you unlock an achievement badge for your hard work. What does this mean? It’s proof that your Spanish is improving, confirmed by a real Spanish teacher. Proof that you’re leveling up. And that you’re well on your way to mastering the language. 50 [...]

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Friday, August 7, 2015

Inner Circle #19 - July 2015: The Analysis Paralysis of Learning Spanish & How To Beat It

Last time, you learned why the worst days are your best days to learn Spanish. And just how powerful “bad days are” for your progress in the long run. This time, we’re talking about the enemy of language learning – analysis paralysis. Have you ever experienced it with Spanish? Be sure to tune in to [...]

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mexican Spanish Words of the Week with Alex for Intermediate Learners #11 - Geography

In this Intermediate lesson, you’ll learn Spanish words about Geography. Visit us at, where you will find Spanish lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Spanish with! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Spanish [...]

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Episodio 138: Tener enchufe

Learn the meaning of the expression "tener enchufe" listening to this episode with examples and short stories, You'll practice conjugation and pronunciation. Transcript available: ...Hoy hemos preparado un epsidio destinado a explicar el significado de una expresión que se utiliza de vez en cuando en España y que probablemente puedas escuchar si pasas un tiempo con amigos o compañeros españoles. Se trata de la expresión "tener enchufe"...

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Episode 11 (Preview) – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In episode 11 of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4, we read María’s diary entry about the latest events in Mallorca. Rory has arranged for his friend Alejandro to stay in Consuelo’s hotel, and we find out about the preparations which Rory must undertake ahead of his arrival. As usual there are many examples of interesting grammar points and idiomatic expressions in this episode.

In the preview episode available here on the Radio Lingua site, on iTunes and on Soundcloud, you’ll be able to listen to Carmen and Mark’s introduction, to the core text of this episode, and to the summary in English of what happens in the text. For a full analysis of the text and in-depth discussion of the words and phrases contained in the episode, you can subscribe to our premium version. For further information, please see below.

Accessing the Premium Version

The premium version of Coffee Break Spanish Season 4 provides additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your advanced studies of Spanish. The premium version includes the following elements:

  • full-length audio episode: in each episode Mark and Carmen discuss the language covered in each text in depth, providing further examples and testing you on your understanding;
  • transcript: a full transcript of the entire episode including notes on complex language and grammar points;
  • bonus audio episode: test yourself on the key constructions included in the audio episode with this bonus audio translation exercise.

Learn more about Coffee Break Spanish Season 4
The members’ version can be accessed through our membership system. You can purchase a membership using the links below.

Subscribe links

Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed | Purchase members’ audio and transcripts | Members’ login

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Must-Know European Spanish Holiday Words #6 - Viking Pilgrimage

In this Intermediate lesson, you’ll learn Spanish words about Viking Pilgrimage. Visit us at, where you will find Spanish lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here! Learn Spanish with! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Spanish [...]

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Monday, August 3, 2015

Episodio 137: Lola Flores

Lola Flores is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century in Spain. His passion, his personality and his life are remembered by all Spaniards. Learn Spanish while you know about her life. Transcript available: Hola, bienvenidos. Este podcast se lo dedicamos a una mujer de leyenda. Se la conoce por el nombre artístico de Lola Flores, aunque popularmente era apodada como “la Faraona” debido al título de una de sus películas. Era y sigue siendo la reina del flamenco y el baile. Para el público es uno de los máximos exponentes del folklore español. Es un personaje muy recordado porque fue un referente del flamenco y cultura española en muchos países del mundo...

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Spanish Vocab Builder #3 - What are The Top 10 Summer Sports

Learn Mexican Spanish with ! Our Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Mexican Spanish words and phrases from the Mexican Spanish vocabulary lists, plus sample sentences. Join us for Mexican Spanish Vocab Builder! In this lesson, you’ll learn the words [...]

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